Series 8 of ‘Dr. Who’ begins filming today

Credits: BBC America
Credits: BBC America

Series 8 of ‘Dr. Who’ begins filming today

Filming for Series 8 of ‘Doctor Who‘ is set to begin today according to Jenna Coleman, who plays Clara Oswald, the Eleventh and soon to be twelfth generation of the Doctor in the BBC hit series, “Doctor Who”.

Season 8 is set to take about eight months filming which puts the series to start in the fall, this has been confirmed at this time. Also, there has been confirmation that there will have “at least” 13 episodes and the season will not be “split” like in the past.

This is what Steven Moffet said about series 8,

“There’s always a point in production, usually half-way, maybe two thirds, through a series when you realize you’re juggling at least one aspect of each show at once: maybe a press launch for one, another in the edit and I might not have written the last one. You wake up in the night thinking about 13 emergencies, each of them equally calamitous. As a lifestyle choice, it’s questionable.”

“One of the hardest things for me to do is work out when I’ll have time to write. A whole week can disappear when I haven’t had a moment to sit down. I was amazed recently when I got a script ready in time for the tone meeting.”

Series 8 will bring the new generation of the Doctor, Peter Capaldi to the fans.

So, how do you think the new Doctor will interact with Clara? How do you think the fans will receive him?

Read More by Bertena Varney